Buenos Aires Cataratas del Iguacú Los Lagos Santa Cruz Tierra del Fuego


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In Argentina, I travelled around quite a lot in quite a short time. This can also be seen on the fact that I took no less than five domestic flights. However, I also spent quite a lot of time on the ground, exploring the country. What I have seen during my stay, left me in awe of its beauty:

  • It took me a day or two before I could honestly say that I liked Buenos Aires. Now, I can indeed recommend it for a visit.
  • Nonetheless, the Argentine capital cannot compete with the untouched nature of Patagonia! Be it in Northern Patagonia, i.e. in the Lake District, or in Southern Patagonia, i.e. in Santa Cruz province around El Calafate, the mountains and glaciers are very inviting for hiking.
  • Finally, Tierra del Fuego is more than just the most Southern point of the American continent.
  • Of course, there is even more to see in this vast country, for example the waterfalls of Iguazú, where I spent a three-days-long extension after my holiday in Patagonia.

More about my time in these regions in Argentina can be found in my travel diary (in German). For those prefering pictures over text, there is also a photo album available.