The web project at hand uses some graphics originating at other web sites for the use of which a kind permission was given. Among these other sites are:
- Vexilla Mundi, where the flags used as a background in the country maps are available,
-, where the animated flags (used on the regional pages) are available for non-commercial purposes,
- Animation VirtualLand, which provided the animated flags of Canada's provinces,
- and finally NASA, on whose website I discovered a great picture of Earth seen from space, of which a detail is used as the title picture of this blog.
Furthermore, this website uses the following third-party software (among others):
- The blog pages are generated by WordPress.
- Bilingual support is provided by the qTranslate-XT plugin, a fork of the qTranslate plugin by Qian Qin.
- The visual representation of the blog pages and the static pages is based on the Twenty Fourteen theme of WordPress.
- For the display of the enlarged images, a modification of the Lightbox framework by Lokesh Dhakar is used.
- The representation of my travel routes and the location of a blog post is done via the Google Maps API, partly with the help of the WP Geo plugin by Ben Huson.
- Showing the cookie notice is handled by the Cookie Notice plugin by dFactory.
Finally, the privacy notice is based on a template provided by eRecht24.