I cannot stress enough how I love the "Kiwi Way of Life" liebe: Always relaxed, never serious!
A good example is Air New Zealand: The safety video produced on occasion of the release of the first movie of Peter Jackson's "Hobbit" trilogy is probably already quite famous among Tolkenites. But also the safety video shown today on my flight from Christchurch to Wellington is quite tongue-in-cheek:
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Video link: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/LnM7xuhzjWY?rel=0
Video link: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/LnM7xuhzjWY?rel=0
During the descent towards the (very windy) city of Wellington, I was amused by a town sign: Designed like the famous "HOLLYWOOD" sign, its last two letters are almost blown away by a stylized breeze.
Finally, according to the sign on the airport building, I did not even change planes in Wellington, but rather in some quite special place: