How much is it?

After having spent more than two weeks back in Austria, I am slowly feeling at home again. I am already looking for a new job, but I still enjoy looking back on my RTW trip (e.g. when leafing through my pictures). Furthermore, I finally know exactly how much I spent while travelling – which was, fortunately, less than anticipated.

Type Expenses
Category Sub Category planned actual Difference
Stay Taiwan 630,– EUR 346,94 EUR -283,06 EUR
Singapore 120,– EUR 93,86 EUR -26,14 EUR
Australia 360,– EUR 361,69 EUR +1,69 EUR
Fiji 600,– EUR 545,15 EUR -54,85 EUR
New Zealand 3960,– EUR 3460,66 EUR -499,34 EUR
Cook Islands 800,– EUR 485,17 EUR -314,83 EUR
United States of America (Winter) 560,– EUR 408,55 EUR -151,45 EUR
Nicaragua 1020,– EUR 975,73 EUR -44,27 EUR
Costa Rica 1400,– EUR 992,90 EUR -407,10 EUR
Panama 330,– EUR 100,18 EUR -229,82 EUR
United States of America (Spring) 1120,– EUR 444,12 EUR -350,42 EUR
Canada 325,45 EUR
United Kingdom 0,– EUR 19,87 EUR +19,87 EUR
Flights RTW-Ticket incl. Fiji 2600,– EUR 2760,01 EUR +160,01 EUR
New Zealand 0,– EUR 165,74 EUR +165,74 EUR
Cook Islands 300,– EUR 301,74 EUR +1,74 EUR
Central America 500,– EUR 629,82 EUR +129,82 EUR
Health Vaccinations & Prophylaxis 0,– EUR 158,53 EUR +158,53 EUR
Insurance 1000,– EUR 982,46 EUR -17,54 EUR
Luxury Diving Course 200,– EUR 244,62 EUR +44,62 EUR
Waitomo Caves 200,– EUR 144,46 EUR -55,54 EUR
Scenic Flights 400,– EUR 288,41 EUR -111,59 EUR
Other 200,– EUR 0,– EUR -200,– EUR
Equipment Guide books 100,– EUR 108,97 EUR +8,97 EUR
Other 0,– EUR 83,31 EUR +83,31 EUR
Damage & Loss 0,– EUR 369,91 EUR +369,91 EUR
Total 16 400,– EUR 14 798,26 EUR -1 601,74 EUR

In short, one should not underestimate the cost of flights and health care (especially vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis, which completely slipped my mind). Neither should anyone overestimate the endurance of his or her gear. Fortunately, the actual stay was (almost) always cheaper than expected.

Country Daily Expenses Total Expenses
planned actual Hostels Food Transport Other
Taiwan 35,– EUR 19,27 EUR 129,42 EUR 85,83 EUR 83,92 EUR 47,77 EUR
Singapore 60,– EUR 46,93 EUR 19,93 EUR 35,14 EUR 7,34 EUR 31,46 EUR
Australia 60,– EUR 60,28 EUR 95,40 EUR 53,51 EUR 76,39 EUR 136,39 EUR
Fiji 50,– EUR 45,43 EUR 160,85 EUR 165,35 EUR 144,91 EUR 74,04 EUR
New Zealand 60,– EUR 52,43 EUR 842,08 EUR 412,61 EUR 855,12 EUR 1 350,86 EUR
Cook Islands 50,– EUR 30,32 EUR 162,06 EUR 131,85 EUR 35,– EUR 156,27 EUR
United States of America (Winter) 80,– EUR 58,36 EUR 109,95 EUR 81,34 EUR 54,47 EUR 162,79 EUR
Nicaragua 30,– EUR 26,37 EUR 222,31 EUR 321,24 EUR 48,50 EUR 383,68 EUR
Costa Rica 35,– EUR 22,57 EUR 227,27 EUR 421,27 EUR 99,93 EUR 244,44 EUR
Panama 30,– EUR 25,05 EUR 29,31 EUR 23,15 EUR 21,86 EUR 25,87 EUR
United States of America (Spring) 80,– EUR 44,41 EUR 64,42 EUR 160,79 EUR 108,23 EUR 110,68 EUR
Canada 80,– EUR 32,55 EUR 63,59 EUR 66,35 EUR 108,81 EUR 86,70 EUR
United Kingdom 50,– EUR 19,87 EUR 0,– EUR 11,73 EUR 0,– EUR 8,14 EUR
Total 48,23 EUR 36,90 EUR 2 250,64 EUR 1 846,08 EUR 1 644,48 EUR 2 819,08 EUR

These figures should only be taken as a guidance for similar trips. Please note that

  1. the category "Transport" includes all overland transport (even over long distances), but no flights,
  2. the full board in Fiji has been added in equal parts to the categories "Hostels" and "Food",
  3. the Spanish courses in Nicaragua have been added to the categories "Hostels", "Food", and "Other" in the relative proportions of 1:2:3 (in accordance with the individual price of lodging and food),
  4. my daily costs in Costa Rica are lower due to my volunteering work,
  5. the costs for my volunteering work in Costa Rica have been added to the categories "Hostels", and "Food" in the relative proportions of 5:12 (as I happen to know that 12,– USD of the 17,– USD I paid daily were given to the project for food),
  6. I spent about a week each staying with friends in Taiwan, Canada and the United States,
  7. the details down to the last cent are suggesting an accuracy that does not exist (due to changing currency exchange rates and accounting errors).

2 thoughts on “How much is it?”

  1. Hallo Bernie,

    wir planen auch gerade eine Weltreise und sind auf deine informative Seite gestoßen.

    Wir überlegen gerade welches das richtige Schuhwerk für so eine Rundreise sein sollte. Was waren denn deine Erfahrungen, braucht man den hohen alpinen Bergschuh oder reicht eine leichte Halbschuhvariante.

    Vielen Dank und beste Grüße,

    Olga und Mario

    1. Hallo Olga und Mario,

      das ist eine gute Frage. Ich persönlich war über gute Wanderschuhe ganz froh, weil ich inbesondere in Neuseeland viel in den Bergen unterwegs war. In der Südsee waren meine Wanderschuhe allerdings eher unnützer Balast.

      Es kommt also ganz darauf an, wo eure Reise hingehen soll. Eine gute Entscheidungshilfe zu dieser und vielen anderen Fragen rund ums Thema Weltreise bietet übrigens

      Liebe Grüße, Bernie

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