
Abel Tasman by Sea

Today I splashed out, and went on a full day kayaking trip in Abel Tasman National Park. The park is simply to beautiful to leave it after just two days.

Leaflet Map data: © OpenStreetMap contributors, SRTM | Map style: © OpenTopoMap (CC-BY-SA)

The tour went to the same region I have already visited on foot (see also the map to the right with the hiking trail in red, and the kayaking route in blue). However, it gave me the opportunity to appreciate the beautiful coast line from the other side as well.


Little Blue Penguin

We started the tour at Onetahuti Beach, which is situated in a marine reserve. Therefore, you can also find lots of fur seals and some Little Blue Penguins along the shore or in the water (especially around the rocky Tonga Island).



Tonga Island

We spent our lunch break in Bark Bay, before continuing south. In the end, we sailed into Anchorage Bay.


Bark Bay


Sailing into Anchorage Bay

This blog entry is an abridged version of the original entry in German.

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