Category Archives: Travel Diary

Welcome to the 21st century

Monday morning instead of Sunday night, the new Terminal 3 instead of the old Terminal 2 – what a difference to the previous year!

Finally, the security check is right at the entrance, so that you can buy some drinks to take aboard. Moreover, the shops are not only modern, but also open – even though they resemble the typical airport shops all over the world. Still: That is more like an airport of a cosmopolitan city!

Green Hills and Blue Caves

The last destination of my stay in Croatia was also the least touristy: the island of Vis. This island used to be a military base (up to 1989). Therefore, it is not yet that developed for toursists. However, that was just what I wanted. So, I simply spent my time lazying around and enjoying the island life on Vis and the neighbouring island of Biševo. Continue reading Green Hills and Blue Caves