
Vienna Ugly

After several months, it was again time to explore my home town Vienna a bit. Today, I decided for a rather unconvential approach: the walk "Vienna Ugly" by space and place.


Mismatched superstructures

On this walkabout, you get to see some examples of strange and/or outright bad architecture. This provided some new way of looking at Vienna, and I was astounded about the architectonical mishaps that have so far escaped my eye.


Ministry of Innovation and Technology


Museum of Applied Arts

Funnily enough, this walk is explicitly no "tour" – and the reason for that is typically Austrian: The guide is not a certified tourist guide, and is therefore not allowed to give tours. In fact, he was fined twice for offering this walk. In the end, he got permission to organize it under certain conditions. Among these are:

  • The walk must not cost more than five Euro (Apparently the motto is: If it is cheap, it is not worth anything!).
  • He has to wear his orange trousers (typically worn by the trash collectors in Vienna) all the time.
  • He is not allowed to show any of the actual tourist sights.

But despite these restrictions, he did a great job in showing a different side of Vienna that is interesting to see as well.

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