Lately, I tend to stumble upon YouTube videos about New Zealand that are indeed wetting my appetite. Are these finds just coincidences, or am I simply visiting the "right" websites? Continue reading New Zealand is calling!
Category Archives: Other Travel Stuff
Dancing Around the World
After blogging about the long distance bikers and walkers, I would like to draw your attention to a single traveller, who became famous for his dancing while on his RTW trip: Matt Harding. Continue reading Dancing Around the World
Travelling on Foot
Last year, I blogged about travelling by bike around the world. Some people even take it one step (or should I say: millions upon millions of steps?) further: They are travelling around the world on foot. Continue reading Travelling on Foot
Travelling by bike
My past RTW trip was a "normal" one, meaning that I (mainly) travelled by plane around the globe. However, some people prefer to travel by other means of transport. Continue reading Travelling by bike
I keep on blogging!
Even though my RTW trip is really over now, I would like to continue blogging. Continue reading I keep on blogging!